Os X Lion 10 7 0 Speed

Mac OS X; OS X Lion (10.7) Terrible internet speed? Sign in to follow this. Terrible internet speed? By Spike23, November 20, 2011 in OS X Lion (10.7) 1 post in this topic. Here is the working Mac OS X 10.7.1 Lion from VMware image on VMware workstation 8.0.1 with Windows 7 32bit. Issues on Updating to 10.7.2 There are some issues on updating this image to 10.7.2.

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You don't mention what model you have or how old it is.

The normal recommendation would be to add more RAM (2GB minimum, and 4GB or more helps Lion run faster), but since you have a MacBook Air, that's just not possible because MacBook Air RAM memory cannot be upgraded.

Os X Lion 10 7 0 Speed Test

If you are very short of hard disk space, you could get a larger hard disk, but the only options are SSD's (Solid State Disks). A larger SSD might not increase performance substantially. A reliable vendor such as Other World Computing (http://eshop.macsales.com/search/MacBook+Air+disk) does have lots of SSD options though.

If your MacBook Air shipped with a version of OS X prior to 10.7 Lion, (Snow Leopard 10.6, or Leopard 10.5), you could potentially reinstall that version. Here are some related links:

Os X Lion 10 7 0 Speed 2

Another option is to sell your current model and purchase one that offers better OS X Lion performance. (More RAM, faster clock speed, i5 or i7 processor).

Mac Os X Lion 10 7

Mar 24, 2012 8:19 PM